Publishing Policy

The Route To Publication
First off, we are big fans of high-quality, neutral, unbiased and original work by authors. We accept well-written, fact-checked, knowledge-powered articles from tech writers, designers and developers.

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However, each submission will have to go through a review by our editors prior to publication. In addition to a check for plagiarism and some light editing, all contents must receive at minimum, two positive reviews before they can be published on the website.

Payment And Copyrights
We will pay for articles that get published, unless the writer wishes to submit their work as pure contribution. All published contents are the original works of the authors. None of the sponsors or advertisers – not even us, the publisher – have influence over the advice, recommendations and opinions in, or the direction of, the contributed article.

While all efforts are taken to ensure that none of the articles published on the website are illegally reproduced or have infringed upon the copyrights of another author, in the event that such a situation has been proven to have occurred, we will not hesitate to remove the said article from the website.

Materials For Publication
The goal of this website is to provide beneficial and accurate content for our readers. If you have been a patron of the site, and have often read the articles we have been publishing for the past five years, you know that we have the interests of our readers at heart.

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That being said, and in our endeavor to becoming a professional and independent online publication free of third-party influences, we do not publish any of the following:
  • Sponsored articles
  • Articles paid for publication by third parties
  • Press releases and/or public relations materials
  • Advertorials (paid reviews)
  • Articles with paid-for link placements
We also do not participate in any kind of partner-linked systems. Any form of criticism and suggestions put forth by our readers are appreciated but not received in lieu of favors for personal recommendations for their products/services, if any.

(We reserve the right to revise this Publishing Policy regularly to uphold the quality and integrity of this website for the interests of our readers – Updated: 20-08-2012)