BMW Museum Lets Guests Stroke Most Valuable Cars at Special Event

Just the Facts:
  • The BMW Museum is hosting an event that lets visitors stroke 125 of its most valuable automobiles, motorcycles and engines at the BMW Museum at "Night of the White Gloves" on November 23.
  • The gathering highlights the 25th anniversary of the BMW Z1 sports car, which was first unveiled at the 1988 Frankfurt Auto Show.
  • Others that can be touched include a BMW Mille Miglia 328, an Elvis-era 507 and M supercars.

MUNICH, Germany — BMW is letting visitors get a feel for the brand's history at "Night of the White Gloves" November 23, where guests will don white gloves to fondle 125 of the BMW Museum's most valuable automobiles, motorcycles and engines.
"Normally that's a big no-no, which you ignore at your peril," said BMW in a statement. "But as we all know, forbidden fruit is the sweetest."

The touchy-feely gathering highlights the 25th anniversary of the BMW Z1 sports car, which was first unveiled at the 1988 Frankfurt Auto Show. Others ready to be stroked include a BMW Mille Miglia 328, an Elvis-era 507 and M supercars.

BMW is bringing in other luxury-minded businesses as well, including Munich-based Roeckl, which will offer guests an education on manufacturing high-quality leather gloves, a tip to some of BMW's leather-lined steering wheels. The Steinway company will create an exhibit in the shape of a bright-red grand piano.

Light manufacturer Osram has completed "Dandelion," an installation in the BMW Museum. It consists of 1,000 organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs. Like its sibling the LED, an OLED is a semiconductor that converts electrical energy into optical lighting. It will remain at the museum until the end of January 2013.

Edmunds says: Feeling is believing, BMW hopes.
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