Rover (the MG Rover Group) was an automobile manufacturer in the UK, based at the Longbridge plant in Birmingham. However, in April 2005, production stopped when the company became insolvent. In July 2005 the Nanjing Automobile Group Corporation acquired the company, continuing production in China, and also at Longbridge since 29/05/2007.

Nanjing has the property of the MG brand. In turn the company SAIC (Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp) took over the manufacturing rights to the Rover 25 and 75 models, but not with the Rover brand (owned by Tata after acquiring the package composed Ford bought Land Rover Jaguar and the Rover brand, Tata thus ensures that no other company will take a jeep sale wing Rover brand to compete with non-Land Rover). SAIC sells under the brand Roewe models (not Roewe Rover).
For many it is a mark extinguished, and all that remains of that lineage is the brand owned Nainjing Mg, and vehicles that still possess their owners. For others it is a mark that will remain alive in their memories and in their vehicles, which is why you can find clubs like or grouping knowledge and experience of this brand.

The history of the brand goes back to long before anyone had made a car engine. In fact its roots lie in a company which in 1861 started manufacturing sewing machines. One of its founders was James Starley recognized today as the father of modern industry in Coventry. The Coventry Sewing Machine Company quickly became a manufacturer of bicycles, getting into the business John Starley's nephew. In 1877 John Starley and his partner William Sutton began manufacturing bicycles. In 1884 named one of his designs "Rover" (person who travels without a fixed destination), to symbolize freedom of movement. This name hit the public when it was used for the safety bicycle, 1885. Driven by the success of this bicycle Starley John founded the company became the Rover Cycle Company Ltd in 1896.
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